The Feminist Movement, Gender Equality, and Dating

The Iowa Caucuses are tonight. That’s cool. I’m going to bitch about dating and psychology instead. Because, well, screw politics and the concept of a President (King). So here’s why the Feminist Movement totally sucks. It is not just that it supports socialism, bad economic ideas, and political correctness, but it has diminished those qualities that help make women feminine– those which make them attractive and awesome. The qualities that make men quiver at the knees.

The Feminist Movement has helped diminish the availability of high quality feminine women. The decline in availability of feminine women is the result of unintentional/natural consequences of the Women’s Rights Movement, but also because the Feminist Movement encourages women to be less feminine. It has encouraged women to be more like men and damaged the feminine characteristics that, throughout history, have actually helped empower them. A profound example of this absurd aspect of the Feminist Movement manifested in fashion when women were encouraged to wear shoulder pads to make them appear more masculine. Rather than focusing on embracing new freedoms women rightfully obtained while maintaining their sense of femininity which had empowered them historically and biologically, leaders in the movement felt more inclined to try and instill masculine qualities in women. As if showing a little cleavage, a beautiful smile, a polite demeanor, and vocalizing a sweet voice, hasn’t always made the strongest of men succumb to a woman. By harnessing their feminine and socially expert nature, women possess a power over men that men, lest they are trying to seduce masculine homosexuals, can never possess over other men. For some reason women behaving, well, like women, pisses off feminists. Does anyone else see the irony in the movement’s name?

89f721f70f8f333f19d47fbbe5d7ac22Women have equal rights, and yes for the most part women get paid just as well as men for the same jobs. These rights have led to great things such as contraceptives and careers for women which have empowered women to be more independent and also promiscuous if they wish. This is also why slut-shaming is bull shit. Women can now have more sex and they don’t have to worry about a deadbeat daddy. In short, they can behave, sexually, like men. They can pursue multiple partners without worry of having to carry a baby for nine months or worry about being a single mom. Historically, women would cling to beta men who could provide financial security and protection, now these beta men are, for the most part, useless to them. All of the aforementioned is a good thing for women, but a bad thing for the overwhelming majority of men who are simply beta push-overs. It is great for alpha male’s who want to have more sex, because women are still instinctively attracted to dominant alpha male’s and not wimpy “nice guys.” This has been shown in countless studies (Oesch and Miklousic 2012; Ridley 2003). The latter pisses off beta men which is why they call promiscuous women sluts; it stems from their own inadequacies and jealousy of men who have more sex. It has always been this way (cue the Scarlet Letter, social conservatism, and Radical Islam).

Dr. Jeremy Nicholson discusses this dilemma best in probably my favorite all time article on the struggles of contemporary dating.

… men… report also having a difficult time finding what they label ‘attractive’ women for longer-term relationships. Men often define these women along evolutionary psychology lines—women who are sexually-selective, faithful, physically attractive, and have a pleasant, respectful disposition. Unfortunately, these qualities are again part of women’s double bind, with social norms sometimes guiding them away from these biologically feminine characteristics. (Nicholson 2012).

In sum, the Feminist Movement has tried to make women more masculine, but some aspects of the Women’s Rights Movement simply had the natural effect of making women more independent which is a good thing. Dr. Jeremy Nicholson discusses how men have been left with four choices when it comes to dating: be an alpha male who gets laid a lot but doesn’t keep a girl, be a “nice guy” who gets cheated on or submits to an alpha female, or you can play video games and watch porn. Nicholson’s fourth option involves holding yourself and your partner to high standards. For the most part, this is what successful contemporary relationships do. Men can improve their situation by being more dominant and decisive, but by acquiescing to a more beta level when necessary. Women can improve their situation by ignoring the allures of the feminists and instead embracing their equality, pursuing their independence, but also harnessing, not rejecting, the power of their natural feminine nature. In short, being that both genders are, for the most part, equal in law and economic opportunity: men need to man-up and women need to woman-up.

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